The implementation of the “Pay As You Throw ” scheme with a prepaid bag, places Cyprus in a new framework for the management of municipal solid waste, aiming at the adoption of circular economy principles and the production of zero waste.
The “Pay As You Throw scheme follows the “polluter pays” principle, whereby polluters bear the cost of the pollution they cause. Proper application of this principle encourages environmental protection and makes polluters responsible for their actions. The goal of is to contribute to waste prevention, promote reuse and repair, and increase recycling rates with the aim of reducing waste that ends up in landfills.
The implementation of the “Pay As You Throw” scheme follows the “Source Separation” method of waste management, i.e. the separation of distinct waste streams at the site where they are generated, to be followed by their separate collection and subsequent management of organic and recyclable materials, with the ultimate aim of contributing effectively to the reduction of waste ends up in landfill.
The successful implementation of the “Pay As You Throw” scheme requires the involvement of all citizens in the sorting of waste wherever it is generated, whether it is at home, at work, in shops, in shopping centres, etc.
Specifically, the charge for the “Pay As You Throw ” scheme with a prepaid bag is based on the actual amount of waste that cannot be reduced, reused and recycled, i.e. it is ONLY residual waste.
The project is implemented by the Department of Environment within the framework of the Cohesion Policy Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” co-founded by the European Union.
According to the Regulations of the Decree 292/2022, “Pay As You Throw ” means the scheme of charging for the management services of municipal waste, collected mixed or separately, with an annual fixed and/or variable fee directly related to the volume and/or weight, as well as the category of waste placed for collection and further management.
As provided for in the above Regulations, the scheme comes into force from 30 June 2024 and under it, waste producers (citizens, large and special producers) are charged based on the actual amount of waste generated by them that cannot be reduced, reused and recycled.
The ‘pay-as-you-throw’ scheme is complementary to the extended producer responsibility schemes, which are considered for the purposes of determining this scheme.
The key actors for the implementation and successful implementation of the scheme are both citizens in terms of source separation of waste and local authorities (municipalities, communities) in terms of separate collection of municipal solid waste.
Local authorities shall put in place and implement, within their administrative boundaries, either individually or in cooperation with other municipalities and/or Community Service Clusters, a scheme of compulsory source separation and separate collection for:
In this context, funding of €25 million has been secured from the Cohesion Policy Programme “THALIA 2021-2027” co-funded by the European Union, to offer techno-economic support to Local Authorities for the effective implementation of this new strategic policy.